EHS Airband *Team Lonestar*

Airband competition rules and regulations
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Airband Competition Rules and Regulations

Here are the rules and stuff for competitions:

1. Groups may perform music that is commercially produced or mix their own music. CD’s are required, Cassette tapes will not be accepted. No lyrics will be allowed that contain vulgar language, promote substance abuse, direct sexual connotations, or could be offensive or demeaning to any ethnicity or gender. Scratches, bleeps or edits over such words in the recording are not allowed.
Penalty: (Vulgar Language) Disqualification
Penalty: Point Deduction

2. Clothing or appearance of any band member shall not be sexually suggestive and shall not promote substance abuse. No male/female cross-dressing used for the intended purpose of sexual exploitation of the opposite gender is allowed. No clothing may be removed for the intended purpose of sexual exploitation. The nature of sexually representative moves (for example: pelvic thrusts) are not to be directed toward another person and not to exceed three (3) thrusts. Speedos and underwear are not allowed to be visible.
Penalty: Point Deduction

3. Acts of violence are not allowed on the stage. For example: destroying props or equipment, people rushing the stage, or throwing objects into the crowd are not allowed. Airband members are not allowed to start their act or perform any portion of their act in the crowd. Throwing or projecting anything off the stage at the audience or judges will result in disqualification. Confetti cannons are allowed to be used but cannot be directed towards the audience or judges.
Penalty: Point Deduction / Disqualification

4. Chemical or combustible devices (fireworks, candles, etc.) are prohibited. Confetti cannons are ok if approved prior to the show. All electrical devices must be self-sufficient (i.e. groups may run lights with low voltage (12v or less) self-contained power devices).
Penalty: Disqualification

5. Live animals will not be a part of any act, skit or band.
Penalty: Disqualification

6. Face makeup that alters your natural skin tone for the purpose of depicting a race other than your own is not allowed.
Penalty: Point Deduction

7. There will be a five-minute maximum time limit for each performing group. Music will be timed and 10 points from each penalty judge will be deducted from the overall score for each 15-second block over the time limit. (i.e. 1 second over the five-minutes is minus 30 points, 16 seconds over is minus 60 points, and so on.)
Penalty: Point Deduction

8. A person may not perform in more than two Airband Groups and must be in good standing at the school that he or she is attending. (ASB Directors are responsible for determining grade eligibility.)
Penalty: Point Deduction

9. All groups must provide their own props and banners. Walls and stage backdrops must be free standing. Nothing can be hung from the stage front, truss or curtains. Once the show begins, no Airband members will be allowed in the prop staging area. All work on props must be completed prior to the start of the show. Props used must be able to be setup by the stage crewmembers in no longer than two (2) minutes. Each prop used must be able to be handled by a maximum of four (4) stage crewmembers and weigh no more than 200 pounds. Backdrops or banners cannot be taller than eight (8) feet and no wider than six (6) feet. If backdrops, banners, or props do not meet the required dimensions or weight restrictions they may not be used.
Penalty: Point Deduction

10. Written directions for prop placement is required. Lighting directions are advised but not required. Groups should be aware that lighting and prop setup will be followed as closely to your written directions as possible. At least one member of the Airband is required to assist the stage crew in setup and placement of the props or backdrops. At the conclusion of the Airband, the group’s members WILL BE REQUIRED to assist in the removal of their props from the stage. Groups are required to remove all items they brought with them from the performance grounds. (Leftover props, banners, walls or trash will assess a disposal fee that will be charged to that particular school’s ASB.)
Penalty: Point Deduction / Disposal Fee

11. Only members of the Airband group that is performing and adult or staff volunteers (limit 3 per group) will be allowed backstage. No parents, friends, or “roadies” will be allowed backstage in the prop area or dressing rooms.
Penalty: Point Deduction

12. Any group member suspected of using or caught under the influence of illegal substances (alcohol/drugs) will be automatically disqualified and turned over to officials at the event and their respective school will be notified.
Penalty: Disqualification

13. The staging or performance area will be 32 feet wide by 24 feet deep. All performers, props, sets, banners, and backdrops must fit within the stage limitations. (10 points from the overall score will be deducted if props, banners, or performers exceed the stage size limitations.)
Penalty: Point Deduction

14. Group members are required to remain backstage until their group performs. You may leave the event or enter house seating, but you will not be able to return. Once outside the gates you may purchase a ticket to re-enter the event however you will not be granted backstage access. Performers must enter and leave through the designated performers entrances only.
Penalty: Individual Removal from Grounds

Team Lonestar rocks!!!!!!!!!!